How to digitally pay Iran’s departure tax

One of the biggest issues for non-resident Iranians visiting Iran is having to pay the “khorooji” or departure tax. This tax came into force for all residents and non-residents in 2015 and is likely to jump in cost come the Persian New Year (March 21).

Iran is one the remaining countries not to apply the departure tax on the price of the ticket. Unlike abroad, all Iranian citizens must pay the up-front fee when leaving the country.

Until very recently the only way to pay for the departure tax was by going to Melli Bank and filling out a form (an embarrassing thing if your Persian writing skills are not up to scratch). However, there is now a new system in both English and Persian which lets you pay via a local debit card – on a touchscreen! The only problem is they are scattered around the city in some of the oddest of places.

Most international airports in Iran have several automated ‘departure payment machines’ which accept local debit cards, foreign cards are still disconnected from the system, so if you do not have a card ask a family member or friend for help.

Dual-language Digital Payment Machine Spotted

However, one eagle-eyed contributor told  Living in Tehran that Charsou Mall in downtown Tehran has an updated version of the all-in-one computer on the second floor — with that fabled touchscreen.

On that touchscreen computer, you can fill out the required information from your birth certificate and national ID card. And when done it will print out a receipt saving you time and also embarrassment

(Note: The departure payment machines at Imam Khomeini International Airport currently only work in Persian)