International Dolls Museum in Tehran
International Dolls Museum
The Iranian capital is known to have many museums that represent the variety and the rich history of Iranian civilization. But besides some of the world-renown museums, there are others like the International Dolls Museum which are quite interesting and unique.

Located in Darvazeh Dolat, an old part of the Iranian capital in central Tehran, the International Dolls Museum is a private collection of over 2,000 dolls from 80 different countries that are showcased in different sections.

Founded in 2014 by Masoud Nasseri as an expert in children’s literature and author Ali Golshan with the support of actress Farideh Nasseri, the museum aims to promote cultural awareness with a specific focus on literature.
Storytelling, story writing, poem reciting and speech practices are just among the many different activities that are routinely held at the museum. This is while educational courses on well-known Persian poets such as Ferdowsi, Sa’di, Attar, and Rumi are also held at the museum on different occasions.

According to museum officials, “promotion of the Persian culture and literature” are among the main goals of its founders. Raising awareness and education about the culture and life of other nationalities is among the other goals of the museum founders.

The best way to get to the Dolls Museum or also known as the “Dolls & Culture of Iran Museum” is by Tehran Metro as it is located just next to the Darvazeh Dolat station using either Line 1 or Line 4. The museum is located at Fiyat St., on Sa’di Ave.