Top bookstores in Tehran

Tehran has several great bookstore brands with some becoming the staple academics and bookworms alike. Today we’ll highlight some of the most famous brands currently offering books, toys and much more across the capital.A big growth in…

Gol-e Rezaieh Café in Tehran

One of the most historic cafes still operational today in central Tehran is the Gol-e Rezaieh Café on 30 Tir Street.Originally opened by an Armenian chap called Gargen Avansian in 1932 (1310 in Persian calendar), the centrally located…

Day out with the kids in Tehran

Are you looking for something to do with the kids in Tehran? Well, the Iranian capital has plenty of parks to offer them some playtime, which is free, but there is also a growing list of places across the metropolis which are designed just…

Leaning office tower of Tehran

It’s more than a lean, a new office building in Tehran’s Pardis Technology Park is turning heads with its epic tilt confusing many who drive past it.The newly opened Turbosealtech office in Tehran has been designed to look like it is…

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